Sunday, November 13, 2005

Some earlier postings:

Penn’s Department of Dermatology Receives $2 Million Grant from the Annenberg Foundation to create the Paul Gross Professorship. Please click here to learn about this marvelous honor bestowed upon my father, Paul R. Gross, MD, an outstanding Physician, and model parent. Thank you

Azeem's first movie(click here)Abu Dhabi March 19, 2005: While the United Arab Emirates are not known as a Mecca (pardon the pun) for film making, Azeem Tubotheryu creates a memorable 60 second cartoon in which "W" attempts to sell his record as successful to a foreigner, a 6-yr-old, and a veteran.In case you were wondering...Not only do I see a shrink, dear reader, but things have gotten so bad lately that I needed her help to stay on top of me just to submit her bill for flexible spending reimbursement. When she called just a few minutes ago, I invited her to stay on the phone while I printed her bill so that I could handle it right away. Anyway, here's the funny part (maybe), when I invited her to check out this blog (while I took care of business) she read aloud. I asked her, my therapist, to comment on my alter-ego, (Azeem Tubotheryu), and alas, said mental health care professional remarked, "we'll have to talk about that!" Or as Joannie Mitchell once said, "I was definitely nuts, no more ifs or ands or buts."

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