Sunday, November 13, 2005

"If there's a Rock Show at the concertgebouw they got long hair at the Madison Square (original post date Oct 10, 2005)

Outraged by concert ticket prices these days and how quickly they sell out? Despair not dear reader. In a capitalist economy, price occurs at the intersection of supply and demand. Think about it. Ticket prices and distribution methods (to 15,000+ seat venue rock concerts) have radically changed in recent years, your reservation price (at which you find relative value) has not. Keep an eye on the entries below for additional posts that I hope will not only entertain, but offer helpful hints.Tarantino tells us that everyone of us is either an "Elvis Man" (like Vincent Vega) or a Beatles Man (like Michael Gross). So forget about if you'd rather be Travolta or a Philadelphia (god forgive us)Lawyer. Forget about whether you are more of a John Lennon type (good morning good morning) or the McCartney type (good day sunshine) this is as close as you're gonna get (since Lennon and Harrison are dead). Think about how much they did in 9 years compared to 32 years of Aerosmith or 25 years of U2.Without going into any further discourse over the wonder of The Beatles. Trust me dear reader, that if you enjoy a loud, kicking rock concert, McCartney is as good as it gets. I'd rate his performance and song selection higher than any of my experiences with: Led Zepelin (1977), David Bowie (7 times 1978-2003) The Grateful Dead (59 times 1979-1995),The Rolling Stones (7 times 1981-1997), as well as notorious acts by other "classic" artists including: The Kinks, The Who, The Clash, etc.The energy, spontaneity, and sheer 'umph' delivered in the flawless performance of incredible classics like Magical Mystery Tour, Helter Skelter, Please Please me is an incomparable experience. 1976 The Spectrum, Philadelphia PA

The new song: Silly Love Songs,The old songs: Lady Madonna, Blackbird

Ticket Price Paid: $12 from Ticketron for middle floor seats.
This was my 2nd rock concert ever In August the above shows were announced and quickly sold out. A secondary market promptly developed at substantial mark ups.

sections 1-12 section 34-99 Face Value:$270 Scalpers/brokers:$400-$1000

Sections 101-233(blue,yellow) Face Value: $154 Scalpers/brokers:$250-$400

Sections 300-334 Face Value: $110 Sections 400-427 Face Value: $89
scalper/broker prices omitted because these seats are inappropriate for live music and I didn't bother to check.

Here are the comments that were offered in response to this original post in Oct 2005 Hi I´m Chris. Greatings from Germany Bottrop !!
# posted by ChrisWoznitza : 6:51 PM Comments:
I will have to agree that Mccartney really put on a great show. It was my first time seeing him and i was blown away. He played for over two hours! He looked like he was having fun, and was telling jokes that were actually funny! I thought the band was amazing as well. It is a vast difference from a Dylan concert. I have seen Dylan 5 times and i am his number one fan, but he doesn't even glance in the direction of the audiance(though i wish he would!). Though i know seeing Dylan now can not compare to the 60's, 70's,80's, but i wasn't born yet so now is just fine!! But Mccartney was energetic and played a lot of old stuff which i loved. I hate when artists refuse to play the old stuff, like that is why we are there!!!! Tickets were pricey but was worth it. I got what i paid for:)
# posted by Francesca : 8:29 PM

Better than any one of the 59 Dead shows?

Homer: Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forfty percent of all people know that.
# posted by Ignatious J. Riley : 3:29 PM

You misspelled concertgebouw....

Wings played there on 8/20/72.

Literally means "concert hall".
# posted by Liam Faith, Squatney : 2:32 PM
¶ 7:29 PM
$12!! That is crazy!!!
# posted by Francesca : 8:18 PM


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