Wednesday, May 04, 2005

May 4th 1970

If you ever get really depressed by how fucked up things have gotten lately between apathy over the war, the powers that be and our state of deliberate ignorance, just look at how far we've come. On May 4, 1970, 4 unarmed students were murdered by the Ohio National guard at Kent State University. When the story first broke it was considered not a tragedy, but a controversy. A controversy?!!!! That's right!!! Public outrage was not universal. Some Americans thought that the shootings were well-deserved(after all, some of those longhairs were giving the finger!!!) and that more student protesters should have been killed. Incidentally, Krause and Schroder(an R.O.T.C. cadet) were not even demonstrating, but committing the crime of walking across a parking lot some several hundred yards behind the demonstrators who had the unmitigated gaul to exercise their first amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of offense thought by many at that time to be Capital.


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