Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Funny Senators!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Have a Jolly Ali X-mas with a new Islamic doll

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Squirrels from Hell is the band New York couldn't kill

If you want to catch a great New York City Band without an ounce of pretention, check out Squirrels from Hell at one of their upcoming gigs or click here to pick up their outstanding CD, The Sound and The Furry (pictured at left)
Saturday Dec. 3 10pm at Desmond's 433 Park Ave. South (bet 29th & 30th Sts) NYC Special Guests at 9pm The Shirts and at 11pm The Swigs (212) 725-9864
Friday Dec. 9 10pm at Grand Central Bar 659 Grand Street (bet Manhattan & Leonard St) Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (718) 387-5515 FREE ADMISSION
Wednesday Dec. 21 7:30pm at Continental 25 Third Ave. @ St Marks Place NYC
(212)529-6924 FREE ADMISSION with the best Happy Hour In NYC.
This Year the Continental, Next Year, Continental Airlines Arena

Jesse & Jeff at HBO Party before Trinidad and Mayorga fight Oct 2, 2004

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The acronymn women hate above all others?

K atherine
U nderstands
N ational
T ragedy (Click here)

This video just says it all

Sunday, November 20, 2005

That's our Billy

Even when he's not really there, he's there getting fresh with Sammy Alito's daughter Sarah. Maybe if Clinton knocked her up Alito would find his way to recognize a woman's constitutional right to reproductive choice .

Monday, November 14, 2005

OK so we're not totally a-political here (can't link to I .F.A.C.U.T.A.H. on the public blog so here it is)(originally posted May 2,2005)

You gotta love A political pundit who condones Timothy McVeigh...an admitted murderer of 156 men women and children whose only malfeasance was that either they or their parents worked for the federal government. Specifically Ann Coulter says her only problem with McVeigh was that he didn't stop by the New York Times Building. I'm sure the parents of his murdered victims pictured here were heartened by that remark, NOT. She'll get her's in the end (click here)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Azeem says, "Don't be damn Pussy!!! We need your comments!"You can choose to live and die like brave martyr or like damn Zionist bitchboy getting reprimanded by his wife in the limmo. You can make this blog great goddamn it if you will post a comment! Do you know any links for humor or surviving Ramadan? Please share them on this blog! But seriously folks... please visit the affiliate blog. If you check for updates, offer some comments, or send us some traffic you can make a difference. Please visit http://cssamustchange.blogspot.com
Lawyers in Love Posted by Hello
"Have a good time all the time" says Viv Savage of Spinal Tap (2nd from left, standing)
Philip Gross, Jan 22, 05 8 degrees F Posted by Hello
Jeff w/ Westside Wendy 3/26/04 NYC Posted by Hello
Picture of me BEFORE divorce (A man of means, property owner) Posted by Hello>
Picture of me AFTER divorce. (Notice inability to afford clothing as well as dogs incessantly chewing on my flesh) Posted by Hello
film actors guild,Republican

The F.A.G. is unrepentant for now Posted by Hello
some jokes from my uncle MaxSome oldies, but some new ones, too. Max
Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage, and
Stu said, "I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?"
Leroy replied, "I'm not sure, what was her maiden name.?"
"Mr. Clark, I have reviewed this case very carefully," the divorce
court Judge said, "And I've decided to give your wife $775 a week, "That's
very fair, your honor," the husband said. "And every now and then I'll try
to send her a few bucks myself."
Two Reasons Why It's So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:
1. All the DNA is the same.
2. There are no dental records.
A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, "Can you tell me how long it'll
take to fly from San Francisco to New York City?"
The agent replies, "Just a minute..."
"Thank you," the blonde says, and hangs up
Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzales
"How was he killed?" asked one detective.
With a golf gun," the other detective replied.
"A golf gun?! What is a golf gun?"
I don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan ________________________________________________________
This guy has been sitting in a bar all night, staring at a blonde
wearing the tightest pants he's ever seen. Finally his curiosity gets the
best of him, so he walks over and asks, "How do you get into those pants?"
The young woman looks him over and replies, "Well, you could start by
buying me a drink."
A man is recovering from surgery when a nurse asks him how he is feeling.
"I'm O. K. but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used in
surgery," he answered.
"What did he say," asked the nurse.

Originally posted March 2, 2005

World Trade Center 1996 Posted by Hello
Philip has his own blog! (click here!)He asked me for the Shrek game and I said "no." He asked me for Oscar Mayer lunchables for dinner and I said, "no". But when he asked me for his own website, I couldn't come up with a decent reason to say "no" so there it is!
Philip Gross (left) with Avram Mordichai Silverstein Feb 16, 2005 Posted by Helloclick here for quick video of Phil and Dad at home and on the slopes
Ok I get it Safron gates all over the friggin park! Posted by Hello
one not presented or accounted for  Posted by Hello
anyone remember this non pc story? Posted by Hello

Some earlier postings:

Penn’s Department of Dermatology Receives $2 Million Grant from the Annenberg Foundation to create the Paul Gross Professorship. Please click here to learn about this marvelous honor bestowed upon my father, Paul R. Gross, MD, an outstanding Physician, and model parent. Thank you

Azeem's first movie(click here)Abu Dhabi March 19, 2005: While the United Arab Emirates are not known as a Mecca (pardon the pun) for film making, Azeem Tubotheryu creates a memorable 60 second cartoon in which "W" attempts to sell his record as successful to a foreigner, a 6-yr-old, and a veteran.In case you were wondering...Not only do I see a shrink, dear reader, but things have gotten so bad lately that I needed her help to stay on top of me just to submit her bill for flexible spending reimbursement. When she called just a few minutes ago, I invited her to stay on the phone while I printed her bill so that I could handle it right away. Anyway, here's the funny part (maybe), when I invited her to check out this blog (while I took care of business) she read aloud. I asked her, my therapist, to comment on my alter-ego, (Azeem Tubotheryu), and alas, said mental health care professional remarked, "we'll have to talk about that!" Or as Joannie Mitchell once said, "I was definitely nuts, no more ifs or ands or buts."

you leads the pack on visitor comments Posted by Hello THANKS!

just what the world needs, another photo of PG Posted by Hello
What in your opinion dear reader was the
greatest Rock and Roll song composed in the
new millenium?Posted by HelloHey fellow Liberals! Would you be happy if you beat the market last year without destroying the earth or promoting sweatshops? The Pax World Funds have an incredible track record and are the market's original socially responsible family of mutual funds. This endorsement is not approved by anyone! click here to visit the Pax website

Congrats on the delivery of a brand new, 10-pound....

.....ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE (click on photo for larger view) Now who's luckier than me?Posted by Hello (originally posted April 13, 2005)

Back to Work (originally posted May 19,2005)

Dear Reader,
It is with mixed feelings (dominated by relief)that I, Azeem Tubotheryu of The United Arab Emirates announce my return to full time employment. Accordingly you will notice an abrupt drop in my blogging volume. But I am most grateful,praise God for your faithfull attention to "Oh Gross" and ask that you countinue to return from time to time.

Hold Away Despair (originally posted August 9, 2005)

Sadly, on this day ten years ago, Jerry Garcia left this earth and his hundreds of thousands of dearly devoted admirers. Often bewildered by the accolades he received, the poetry of Robert Hunter* was set by Jerry and other members of the Grateful Dead to vibrations that move us to this day and in my case probably will forever. "Inspiration Move Me Brightly"

Another Blog Created Oct 23, 2005

The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio, 2005
Inside Deep Throat(a documentary), 2005

click here to go there: http://hategop.blogspopt.com

Blog, my Blog, Godspeed and Farewell cssamustchange.blogspot.com 2005-2005

Under the advice of counsel, it is with great sadness that I report the passing of cssamustchange.blogspot.com (don't bother clicking it isn't there). Also known as "when child support isn't," a true and tragic weblog of a father's ordeal ceases to exist. Despite our desire to show wit and defiance in the face of adversity, a web log can cost more than it benefits it's author (blogger). Thank you to all who visited and watch for an occasional venting entry above. Fear not Dear Reader, the weblog you are currently visiting is here to stay.

"If there's a Rock Show at the concertgebouw they got long hair at the Madison Square (original post date Oct 10, 2005)

Outraged by concert ticket prices these days and how quickly they sell out? Despair not dear reader. In a capitalist economy, price occurs at the intersection of supply and demand. Think about it. Ticket prices and distribution methods (to 15,000+ seat venue rock concerts) have radically changed in recent years, your reservation price (at which you find relative value) has not. Keep an eye on the entries below for additional posts that I hope will not only entertain, but offer helpful hints.Tarantino tells us that everyone of us is either an "Elvis Man" (like Vincent Vega) or a Beatles Man (like Michael Gross). So forget about if you'd rather be Travolta or a Philadelphia (god forgive us)Lawyer. Forget about whether you are more of a John Lennon type (good morning good morning) or the McCartney type (good day sunshine) this is as close as you're gonna get (since Lennon and Harrison are dead). Think about how much they did in 9 years compared to 32 years of Aerosmith or 25 years of U2.Without going into any further discourse over the wonder of The Beatles. Trust me dear reader, that if you enjoy a loud, kicking rock concert, McCartney is as good as it gets. I'd rate his performance and song selection higher than any of my experiences with: Led Zepelin (1977), David Bowie (7 times 1978-2003) The Grateful Dead (59 times 1979-1995),The Rolling Stones (7 times 1981-1997), as well as notorious acts by other "classic" artists including: The Kinks, The Who, The Clash, etc.The energy, spontaneity, and sheer 'umph' delivered in the flawless performance of incredible classics like Magical Mystery Tour, Helter Skelter, Please Please me is an incomparable experience. 1976 The Spectrum, Philadelphia PA

The new song: Silly Love Songs,The old songs: Lady Madonna, Blackbird

Ticket Price Paid: $12 from Ticketron for middle floor seats.
This was my 2nd rock concert ever In August the above shows were announced and quickly sold out. A secondary market promptly developed at substantial mark ups.

sections 1-12 section 34-99 Face Value:$270 Scalpers/brokers:$400-$1000

Sections 101-233(blue,yellow) Face Value: $154 Scalpers/brokers:$250-$400

Sections 300-334 Face Value: $110 Sections 400-427 Face Value: $89
scalper/broker prices omitted because these seats are inappropriate for live music and I didn't bother to check.

Here are the comments that were offered in response to this original post in Oct 2005 Hi I´m Chris. Greatings from Germany Bottrop !!
# posted by ChrisWoznitza : 6:51 PM Comments:
I will have to agree that Mccartney really put on a great show. It was my first time seeing him and i was blown away. He played for over two hours! He looked like he was having fun, and was telling jokes that were actually funny! I thought the band was amazing as well. It is a vast difference from a Dylan concert. I have seen Dylan 5 times and i am his number one fan, but he doesn't even glance in the direction of the audiance(though i wish he would!). Though i know seeing Dylan now can not compare to the 60's, 70's,80's, but i wasn't born yet so now is just fine!! But Mccartney was energetic and played a lot of old stuff which i loved. I hate when artists refuse to play the old stuff, like that is why we are there!!!! Tickets were pricey but was worth it. I got what i paid for:)
# posted by Francesca : 8:29 PM

Better than any one of the 59 Dead shows?

Homer: Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forfty percent of all people know that.

# posted by Ignatious J. Riley : 3:29 PM

You misspelled concertgebouw....

Wings played there on 8/20/72.

Literally means "concert hall".
# posted by Liam Faith, Squatney : 2:32 PM
¶ 7:29 PM
$12!! That is crazy!!!
# posted by Francesca : 8:18 PM