Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cheney's got a gun

Last Monday, February 13, I was commissioned by my friend Ed of Franklin Lakes NJ to write lyrics regarding the vice presidential shooting to the tune of "Janey's got a gun" by Aerosmith:

Cheney's got a gun (2x)
What he go to Texas for?.....Does he know we're at war?
The President is sayin cut medicare we're payin
But Grandma needs new glasses who buys the fuel for airforce 2

Cheney's got a gun(2x)
Charge him with a crime..... he's gonna do some time
And send him down to Gitmo ....chain his ass to the floor
And Lynne can go there with him... Isn't she a stupid whore

Cheney's got a gun (2x)
what did his daughter do.... whose rug is she gonna chew?
took his buddy hunting and shot him in the face and chest
Dick next time take Scalia...for hunting partners he's the best


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Perhaps you can also write a song on the Cheney incident to the tune of "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun."


Michael M
Life Coach to the Stars

11:11 AM  

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