Sunday, May 14, 2006

15th year mba class reunion

Despite a disappointing turnout for the main event last night, I was more than once pleasantly surprised by the depth of interaction I had with my former classmates and the lack of "can you top this" that one might expect at a gathering of the ultimate type A(s). As I said to Gary Schantzer, the past 5 years haven't progressed exactly as I would have written them, but like I always say of my costly divorce, "you can't take that away from me." PM Stekmeist gets the prize for flying all the way from Norway for the event as well as Vesa Vanhanen (Belgium) and Jorge Jimenez (Spain). These three show no signs of physical aging, causing me to wonder if maybe the Europeans don't hold the more adaptive perspective on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Time was marked no where as poignantly then by the presence of Miguel Osio (Primero) and his son Miguel (Segundo) who was born just a few weeks before graduation and is now a strapping teenager. I was thrilled that Maria Koslowski, and Thea Berkowitz (both Washingtonian mothers) embraced my liberal politics and in ultimate Wharton style Jane Page could not be outbid in the silent auction for the Colbert tickets perhaps epitomizing that the character assets of competitive drive and comopassion for your your fellow man are not a contradiction (you'll note dear reader that it was not a Fox News event that we were bidding for). Thank you all for showing up and showing me what a precious membership we hold, especially you Nancy (Deutsch) and Andrew Moloff of New Rochelle, NY for the ride to Philly. Please leave me a comment! PS, Hey Steve Mattingly, I did get your e-mail after my interview on NPR (glad you're a listener).