Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Film Reviews:

The Last King of Scotland
Oscar Time for Whittaker despite the overkill . Click Here

Rent: Comparing The incomparable Click Here

Inside Deep Throat is a fantastic voyage through time Click here NOTE: we review a documentary about the1972 film NOT the pornographic epic itself.

The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio
Chick flick yes, but I like it too. Click Here

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Updates and achievements (dubious and otherwise)

It was 29 years ago today, my brother and I went to see Led Zeppelin play at Madison Square Garden. For those of you who are blown away by this fact, I'm here to tell you that the performance was ok at best, and vastly exceeded by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant's 1995 and 1998 tours and again by Jimmy Page and the Black Crows in 1999 and 2000. I guess I'll always remember fondly upon June 11. It was also on this date in 1991 that I got my first job on "Wall Street" which makes me a 15 year veteran. Argggggh!

Other blog updates today:

http://www.bassrace.blogspot.com endorsing Cargo Culte

http://www.bushistoodumb.blogspot.com Great week for the good guys!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

15th year mba class reunion

Despite a disappointing turnout for the main event last night, I was more than once pleasantly surprised by the depth of interaction I had with my former classmates and the lack of "can you top this" that one might expect at a gathering of the ultimate type A(s). As I said to Gary Schantzer, the past 5 years haven't progressed exactly as I would have written them, but like I always say of my costly divorce, "you can't take that away from me." PM Stekmeist gets the prize for flying all the way from Norway for the event as well as Vesa Vanhanen (Belgium) and Jorge Jimenez (Spain). These three show no signs of physical aging, causing me to wonder if maybe the Europeans don't hold the more adaptive perspective on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Time was marked no where as poignantly then by the presence of Miguel Osio (Primero) and his son Miguel (Segundo) who was born just a few weeks before graduation and is now a strapping teenager. I was thrilled that Maria Koslowski, and Thea Berkowitz (both Washingtonian mothers) embraced my liberal politics and in ultimate Wharton style Jane Page could not be outbid in the silent auction for the Colbert tickets perhaps epitomizing that the character assets of competitive drive and comopassion for your your fellow man are not a contradiction (you'll note dear reader that it was not a Fox News event that we were bidding for). Thank you all for showing up and showing me what a precious membership we hold, especially you Nancy (Deutsch) and Andrew Moloff of New Rochelle, NY for the ride to Philly. Please leave me a comment! PS, Hey Steve Mattingly, I did get your e-mail after my interview on NPR (glad you're a listener).

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Godspeed Keith Richards!

There isn't another 62-year-old in the world who could make the news for falling out of a palm tree and sustaining a a concussion on the Isle of Fiji. Despite his charisma and innovation for co-authoring our favorite songs and 5-string-open-G riffs that form the backbone of Rock and Roll, many of us are amazed that he lived this long. We certainly would not have expected Keith to outlive John Entwistle or George Harrison! Click Here for the news story of the latest adventure of the man who's sentence for getting caught with heroin and the Prime Minister's wife in 1977 was a Toronto concert for the blind. (ironically and fortuitously causing the only on-air rendition of Star Star). Who else would go into Yoga's tree pose without interupting his playing (take note Ron Wood) of the outro riff from Can't you hear me knocking or employ history's most famous Gardner, Jumpin Jack Flash?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cheney's got a gun

Last Monday, February 13, I was commissioned by my friend Ed of Franklin Lakes NJ to write lyrics regarding the vice presidential shooting to the tune of "Janey's got a gun" by Aerosmith:

Cheney's got a gun (2x)
What he go to Texas for?.....Does he know we're at war?
The President is sayin cut medicare we're payin
But Grandma needs new glasses who buys the fuel for airforce 2

Cheney's got a gun(2x)
Charge him with a crime..... he's gonna do some time
And send him down to Gitmo ....chain his ass to the floor
And Lynne can go there with him... Isn't she a stupid whore

Cheney's got a gun (2x)
what did his daughter do.... whose rug is she gonna chew?
took his buddy hunting and shot him in the face and chest
Dick next time take Scalia...for hunting partners he's the best

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Celebrity Corner

Bernard Marcel Parent (Bernie), Goaltender Philadelphia Flyers 1967-1978. Talk about a class act! Here he is pictured with his Vezina Trophies (NHL goaltender of the year)which he won twice. He is also the only NHL player to win the Conn Smythe Trophy (playoffs MVP) in consecutive years.When I met him in 1990, the first thing he did was hold out both his fists displaying his Stanley Cup Championship rings on each hand, and an ear to ear grin. Its great to see a sports hero past his hey day showing that kind of enthusiasm. Here is a full bio.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

November Book Reviews:

An American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
Graphic misogynist violence beyond imagination/
or a new tool for testing the insanity defense(click here)

The Truth, With Jokes by Al Franken
Warning: Facts cited, Logic Applied (click here)
(You will need to scroll down after reaching the link to this title)